Saturday, July 02, 2011

Looking back...

In a somewhat drunken haze I find myself looking back on previous posts that I have made on this very neglected blog. In doing so I am mainly drawn to my post entitled 'Where to begin?'.

This is a post that I made over two years ago, and it is quite interesting to be able to read, in my own words, about the person I was at the time.

Whilst there are still things that still ring true (such as the concern about blogging in itself), I'd like to think that I have moved on quite well over the past few years.

I wonder if there will always be an element of worry when it comes to being important, or matching my peers, but I suppose only time will tell.

On the other hand, the paragraph in the aforementioned post which mentions a lack of drive... well... I think to a certain degree that has been rectified; I have been promoted at my job, and I have a year of University studying under my belt. This is, needless to say, a major step up from where I was two years ago!

Musically, I could be doing better, but I can take solace in the fact that this year I stepped up on stage to play my guitar for the first time since my 17th birthday! Quite a long time! It was only for one song, but I had an amazing time, and I hope to repeat it soon.

I turn 25 on Tuesday... am I finally growing up?? I doubt it... but stay tuned, I may just surprise you.


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